VK shawl done (mostly)
All in all, knitting is still way more fun (and cheaper) than crochet, but I think I'll start doing the occaisional crochet hat. Also I have my eye on The Open Fan Cardigan, if I can get my hands on 4 skeins of Rowan Big Wool.
Lil'un and I went to the art museum this morning. He was suitibly impressed with the Egyptian exhibit. The first thing he sid was "zombie case, mommy!" Too many episode of Scooby Doo, I think. When I told him they were mummys, not zombies, he wanted to know if they were mommy mummys or daddy mummys. That made me smile.
THe museum has a trail running behind it with outdoor exhibits (and wild blackberries) We spent most of the morning exploring it and having "ventures" I highly reccamend it to anyone visiting Raleigh.